Brand new and high quality Name: Leg Gaiters Material: Polyester Color: As Picture Show Size: Height is 41cm(16.14in), maximum leg circumference is 52cm(7.1*3.9in) Features : 1. Bundled firmly,Not easy to fall off,Fits the foot and copes with various complex environments 2. Waterproof and antifouling,Polyester fiber, effectively waterproof and antifouling 3.Breathable and moisture-dispersing effect, keep dry and not stuffy at all times 4. The stainless steel hook stabilizes the equipment and fits better 5. The bottom adjustment belt can be adjusted according to your own situation 6. Long paste + zipper,Strong paste doubles firmly Package Included: 1Pair Leg Gaiters Notice: 1. The real color of the item may be slightly different from the pictures shown on the website caused by many factors such as brightness of your monitor and light brightness. 2. Please allow slight manual measurement deviation for the data. Thank for your understanding. 3. 1cm=0.39”.
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